During the installation of motors, the safety of people, animals, and property must be ensured (refer to accident prevention regulations, safety guidelines, and rules generally recognized by technology). Improper use of the aforementioned machines and/or removal or disconnection of protective devices can cause serious damage to property and people. Always disconnect the motor from the power supply before working on it or the equipment connected to it. At the stage of motor preparation, before the installation procedure on the machine, it is necessary to: Rotate the shaft before coupling to identify any failures due to handling and installation work (Note: rotor magnets may produce rotational resistance)
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f630eeeb-ace7-40c5-8091-24a9a72fa025/general-warning-sign_hires.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f630eeeb-ace7-40c5-8091-24a9a72fa025/general-warning-sign_hires.png" width="40px" /> Electric motors are industrial products, so their installation must be done by qualified, skilled, and licensed personnel.
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/738a7550-b258-4f56-81b9-4e42418ba791/electricity-hazard_hires.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/738a7550-b258-4f56-81b9-4e42418ba791/electricity-hazard_hires.png" width="40px" /> OPERATION AS A GENERATOR. Dragging the motor shaft produces a voltage at the terminals of the stator winding, whose value is proportional to the speed. Remove any protection from the shaft end and any anti-corrosive elements used for storage and arrange to grease the shaft end. When installing outdoors or in wet environments, it should be ensured that the IP rating is appropriate for the working conditions.
Motors, where provided, are prepared with a threaded hole for the application of any lifting eyebolt
Always ensure that proper lifting equipment is used and that the dimensions of the lifting hooks conform to the eyebolts used. During lifting operations, be careful not to damage auxiliary equipment and cables connecting to the motor
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b663d324-bcba-4070-bcb9-693cc00bace8/general-warning-sign_hires.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b663d324-bcba-4070-bcb9-693cc00bace8/general-warning-sign_hires.png" width="40px" /> Caution: provision for lifting by eyebolt ensures handling and/or lifting of the motor only.
During handling, avoid shocks (with special attention to the shaft and flanges), falls, and exposure to humidity.
Motor lifting eyebolts should be used for handling, keeping in mind that they can only be used for lifting motors alone without any additional equipment attached to it.
Pending commissioning, the motors should be stored:
Storage in outdoor places with a canopy is allowed only for a short period, and in that case, the motors must be protected against all harmful environmental influences.
In case the above indications cannot be met, it is possible to wrap the machine in a sealed cover (e.g., plastic covering) with humidity-absorbing materials inside.
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5d00f949-8dd9-497e-924f-bdc9515f17fd/general-warning-sign_hires.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5d00f949-8dd9-497e-924f-bdc9515f17fd/general-warning-sign_hires.png" width="40px" /> If the electric motor has been stored for a period of more than one year before installation on the machine and commissioning, it is advisable to carry out a check on the correct condition of the motor.
Before installation, several checks should be performed to ensure that the machine is ready for operation:
This may require some effort in motors where permanent magnets are present within the machine.
It is important that the shaft is not blocked, so make sure that the shaft rotates without abnormal noises.
Check that there is no humidity inside the power connection box and ensure that the cover gasket (if provided) is properly installed and not damaged.
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4f87104b-20ea-47f8-9027-57573afd35a9/general-warning-sign_hires.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4f87104b-20ea-47f8-9027-57573afd35a9/general-warning-sign_hires.png" width="40px" /> If any of these checks reveal a problem, contact e-comer Srl ****and do not install or use the machine.
During installation, the motor should be installed so that there is sufficient space to ensure proper air circulation. Insufficient air circulation impairs engine heat transfer resulting in overheating issues that could limit performance, also depending on the load conditions applied to the engine itself. Also, avoid proximity to other heat sources, such as to affect the temperature of the cooling air or, in general, applications that may affect the regular heat exchange of the engine with its surroundings.
When mounting the transmission element (pulley, joint, pump, etc.) on the motor shaft, it is necessary to:
Before mounting the motor, clean the flange mounting surfaces thoroughly, avoiding dirt, machining residues, and paint.
We suggest the use of coupling grease such as Mobilgear OGL 007
Mount the motor using suitable bolts and screws. Recheck engine alignment after final tightening of bolts and screws.
The surface to which the motor is attached must be well-sized to ensure the following:
The end-user has full responsibility for the preparation of the fixing surface.
In the case of direct or joint coupling, take care of the alignment of the motor with respect to the axis of the coupled machine. If necessary, apply a flexible coupling to prevent bearing damage, vibration, and shaft breakage.
In the case of coupling with belt/rigid parts, check that**:**
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that moving parts are protected and the system is secured after the assembly completion.